Being labeled.

I had to have the time, dear brother, to write something in response to your questions as well as others.

You think I do not like Trump because he is a Republican? Or I am a Democrat? You could not be further from the truth as I am neither.

My dislike for him is deep and quite personal, as it should be for you.

In late 2015 while campaigning, Trump took to a podium and in his speech mocked a disabled reporter. That should bother you as much as it does me because I saw our Aunt, Sherry. I could hear her say to me, “Oh my word Kim, did you see what he did? That’s not right!” I remember all the one-on-one conversations with her about what she would not give to be able to go out and work but at that time it just was not done. At that time, most did not feel someone disabled could hold down a job. Not only did I see Sherry, but I saw every child I ever worked with, teaching them how to feed themselves, learn sign language, etc. Every parent that placed them in the home I worked because it was an embarrassment or “too much work”. No, for me it is personal. I am disabled but I can tell you as sure as anything I am one of the hardest working people you will ever meet.

You state it is not the governments job to pay for our healthcare? I am sorry, our taxes pay for THEIR healthcare and they have the best there is. I work, pay taxes, but you know what, I cannot afford healthcare. According to them I make too much money and according to another I do not make enough – it is a joke. I am also a high risk, as is Peter so the rates are even be higher, we simply did the preliminary investigation into acquiring it. Even if I could get past every obstacle they put in our way, it would cost us $1200 per month with a $6000 (minimum) deductible, and that is a year. I am to be taking a med for my diabetes, but the cost is $700-900 per month… PER MONTH! I cannot afford that. We are the ONLY country that does not have a single payer scheme of some sort for our entire population. I do not see any other country having people unable to afford going to the doctors, receiving their medication, dying for lack of care, or having to claim bankruptcy because they cannot afford the care. It would cost nothing to reign in the drug manufacturers making drugs affordable for all. You assume people who cannot afford care want a handout – they do not. They simply want a level playing field so that they can AFFORD to pay for that healthcare. When I was an Advertising Manager, I paid out $200 per month for my care with a $500 deductible each year and a $10.00 co-pay for my medicine. The only thing those of us in America are asking for is the same some companies offer their employees but on a much grander scale which means it should be even more affordable.

Most think we do not like him because of his “grab ‘em by the pussy’. While I say it is appalling behavior, its locker room talk. Had he said it about my daughter or walked in on her as he did the contestants of the Miss America contest, we would be having a different conversation.

No, it has nothing to do with being Republican or Democrat, but with being a human being. Treating each other the way we wish to be treated.

There was something you said about weakness and it was as if a light-bulb went off overhead. For the most part we were raised by the same biological father and your words were his. He was a Republican. He felt that if you cried, that showed a sign of weakness. Showing empathy toward another meant weakness. It does not. It takes a strong person to share their emotion or show a genuine feeling of concern for another. Joe Biden has that. He suffered great losses in his life, but he picked himself up each time and forged ahead. He is the strength and character you wish for your children and grandchildren. He does not use his position as a source to bully or lie to others for personal gain.

You ask about his time in office. Joe Biden is one of very few in office that has crossed the aisle to get things done. Together with Obama they saved the auto industry in Michigan, they resolved the banking crisis and the economy grew from 2009-2016. While yes, their affordable care act needs to be revised (the world has changed greatly) it gave 20 million Americans insurance. But again, the cost is prohibitive to many and the rates must come down and be reasonable. Pharma needs to stop being a lucrative business, which is an understatement, it is gouging.

Both Trump and his daughter have taken jobs to China and away from the American people – see that tag inside of your MAGA hat? It does not say MADE IN AMERCIA! They need to stop giving tax breaks to businesses (many of their friends) who take jobs to China, India, Philippines, etc. Instead, a tax break should be given to those businesses who employ within America. I am tired of the likes of Amazon, even as much as I buy from them, getting a HUGE tax break or not paying their fair share. Doing so could help the American people.

You state he was not responsible for the virus, which by the way came to the US through both Europe and China. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, he knew… from his own words on that recording… he knew and understood that it was going to be major. He did nothing, absolutely nothing until it was too late and now over 200,000 people have lost their lives and yes, HE IS RESPONSIBLE for that. You want to say it was the individual governors, to some extent it was, but he IS the president of the United States… please tell me when he will start behaving as such? He could have ordered the PPE way sooner than he did, but he did not believe the virus existed. You can still hear him up to a few weeks ago believing that it is simply going to disappear. He believes he holds no responsibility, but here is the thing… he does. When it hit the shores of these United States it became HIS responsibility to see that the American people were protected, and he failed miserably. The point of the federal government is to help the local governments, and yet he sat on his hands, making comments and bullying people and governors in social media. I believe his comment was something along the lines of, “I will help those states which are ‘nice to me’”. Does that sound like a leader? You are not there for a popularity contest… oh my, that is right, he LOST the popular vote and one can see why.

Over these last years while he has been in office there are many things which hit you square between the eyes… if you remove the blinders…

He has bullied almost all of those that worked for him, so much so, that they change their stance in order to keep their jobs. I applaud Fauci who has finally found his balls to separate from him and who now speaks directly to the American people. The head of the CDC has finally seen the light, although I believe that was only after Fauci paved the way and he is now speaking the truth. We should be concerned that Trump is angry at the CDC director for highlighting the need for masks and social distancing. I feel bad for those who could not find their voice but instead chose to leave and sadly many who did not agree with him were fired, although I think they are in a much better place. Keeping your integrity should be of the utmost importance to everyone.

Medical advice is to wear a mask and social distance, but Trump does not agree with that, nor do many of you that follow him. You consider those of us who wish to be safe and follow the guidelines of the experts to be sheep. Many do not wear one because they state “I will not be told what to do”… yet in the next breath you want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body.

Many Republicans claim to be “Christian” and I just shake my head and think you all cannot be serious. I remember my Sunday School teachings and readings from the Bible and as sure as I am sitting here, I can honestly say that if God came down today, he would be wearing a mask! John 15:12

Many Republicans sit in harsh judgement of others, and yet, still claim to be Christians. Matthew 7:1-5.

While I do apologize for the length of this post, some of you have been poking me to comment and these are it in one post instead of many.

Two more things before closing – Amy Coney Barrett.

Firstly, Marco Rubio should be removed from office for his Twitter post yesterday. I am attaching it to this post for those who have not seen it. How utterly disrespectful and pathetic of a person he is to make that post. RBG got that title based on her outstanding achievements throughout her years of hard work and dedication. Her family is still in mourning and should not have to deal with the likes of this despicable spineless creature.

Secondly, I’m sharing with you a post that someone from my wall made and I’m 100% in agreement:

“If she follows what she preaches, then she will never make a ruling without asking her husband what her decision should be. Which means he is the judge, not her. There will be a puppet-master running a SCOTUS judge with no accountability, or involvement in the discussions that generally happen between judges on that bench.

How is no-one considering this? I absolutely don’t care to know anything more about her – I want to know everything about her husband, who, it’s safe to assume, is where all of her votes will come from.”

And lastly, Trump. You all… WE ALL should be concerned about the comments he is making regarding the election. I believe he commented that if he loses it is due to voter fraud. How about if he loses it is because those of us in the United States are tired of a lying, bullying, narcissistic windbag who can do nothing more than create discord and division among the American people. If he believes there is voter fraud, one can only look at the 2016 election and the fact that he LOST the popular vote and yet still became President. I did not see him waving the red flags then, but I guess that only happens when you feel the pressure of a big loss coming your way. If you wish to look for the fuel of the riots… it is not those marching peacefully for BLM… but people who wish to blur the lines and create an even bigger divide. While I believe there may be some from all sides fueling the current climate to their advantage, I do not believe they are all from one group (Dem/Rep) and those of you attempting to point the finger at those of us who disagree with you need to stop.

While there is so much more that can be said, you only need to turn on your tv and watch the news… ANY NEWS and listen to him speak. His words, his actions and I think that says it all.



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